Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Sparseness of blog posts

I won't be able to post too much this week because Keeley and I are at my parents' house for Spring Break. And since I did not bring our laptop and I am right now, at this very moment, silently cursing my mom's laptop, I don't think I will be able to post much because of the sheer slowness of it all. And I have no patience for slowness. I need instant gratification. Instantly. Like right now.

Obviously, this sucks because I have been linked to from other, more cooler sites and now anyone who looks at this blog will be all, "This blog stinks." And I would have to be all, "Yes, I agree." Not that I have ever held any lofty goals for this blog. But, hey, a girl can dream. Right? I mean, I used the word "lofty". That means something.

So, if you're new and like anything you see, try to be a little patient (hey, I'm asking you to be patient, not me) with me and keep checking if you can. Maybe I'll do something entertaining and funny. Who knows.


Avitable said...

I will wait with bated breath.

Been there, done that said...

Nobody better bait my breath unless Jack Daniel's will stay on a hook.

Unknown said...

hope you are having a great time! miss yall and loved being there! xxoo

Little Miss Sunshine State said...

When I visit my Mom, it's like going back to the Dark Ages. She has Dial-up Internet. Too much frustration for me so I just go cold turkey on the computer.

After 3 days I start to get all shaky and sweaty and have to go home!

Unknown said...

i hope you enjoyed your time with your mom and dad i did not know anything about what you were going through i called and talked to buddy one day when you and keeley were there but keeley was having a rough moment and you and laurie were trying to console her buddy said i ask to speak to you but i understood when buddy said you were trying to calm keeley down so maybe it was best that i didnt get to speak to you because we probably wouldnt have either one know that i didnt know and you ,ight have thought i did but i didnt and you might have thought that i was being uncaring and that was so far from the truth. i am glad i know now if it was not so late i would call just remember i love you and grandma does too i will tell her tomorrow she has almost overed her fall still has a small bruise on her cheek but she has came so far in her healing. love and prayers

Been there, done that said...

For the record, I was trying to be funny with the "baited". I knew that AA spelled it correctly. (I was corrected!)