This baby goes through so much laundry. And her stuff is tiny. What gives? Mostly it's the washcloths we have to use to wipe her booty. Because she has a sensitive booty. No wipes for that tushy! I've already bought extra washcloths at Target just so I won't have to wash the washcloths once a day. I can make it every other day. Then, of course, there are the lap pads she manages to pee or poop on at least 5 times a day. Anyway, I'm sure you get the point.
Right now my major dilemma is what on earth do I do to entertain a 6 week old? I mean I can only make googly faces for, oh about 15-20 minutes, and then what? I can't believe I was worried before when she slept so much and wasn't up! Ah, those were the good old days... Now she's up after feedings and looking at me like, "now what?" Of course, I'm looking at her like, "now what?" So you can see there's a problem. Any ideas? She hangs out in her swing sometimes and then there's the googly faces - but we know how long that lasts... She doesn't really enjoy sitting in the bouncy seat watching me do things. (Really? You're not enjoying watching me make a sandwich, baby? I can't understand why.)
I would appreciate any suggestions you may have.
We've already played Baby Photo Shoot. (She's a natural, don't you think?)
I love Keeley's second photo there! It is "sexy lounging shot" and she is giving such a coy look! You are the best Emma! I love you, and in about a week and a day you are going to have us there and then you are going to be wishing you had LESS entertainment!!!
You are SO my child. Adam was born at the end of March, and I was totally ready to go back to work by June. The highlight of our days involved the mailman delivering the bills and the paper boy riding his bike by in the afternoon. I wasn't good with the googly faces, but Auntie Lynn can't wait to get her rockin' knees under sweet baby Keeley. It's my one baby skill.
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